Monday, December 10, 2012

The Truth of Dimples!

Dimples are often view as beauty and loveliness marks; however, the truth of dimples is actually resulting in genetic defects.  Most check dimples are result in genetic defects of shortened muscle- which pulls the around skin instead of around bones. It is inherited facial traits that are passed from one generation to the next.  If both parents have dimple traits the children have 50-100% chance of inheriting the gene, if only one parent has dimple traits the chance of the children inheriting the genes are 50%. Dimples can be passed down through multiple generations - Penetrance is the frequency of which a heritable trait is passed down. Many people are the carrier but didn't show the associate traits, the traits will be passing to a successive generation.  Apart from that, sometimes the dimples may cause by spontaneous mutations that result in a dent in the cheek or a cleft chin which leads to dimples. 

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